martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Evernote via Email

Ayer me envié una nota a Evernote mediante un e-mail y hoy he recibido este mensaje:

Congrats! You've just emailed a note to your Evernote account. Did you know that you can send it to
to a specific notebook and assign tags to it? Here's how:

1. Select a destination notebook for your email by adding @[notebook name] to the end of the subject line.
2. Add tags to your note by typing  #[tag name] at the end of the subject line. This feature works with existing tags in your account.
3. To designate a destination notebook and add tags, be sure to list the notebook name before the tags.

An example subject:
Fwd: Recipe for Bouillabaisse @Recipes #soup #fish #french

Happy emailing and organizing in Evernote!


- The Evernote team

¡Qué grandes estos de Evernote!

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